Old World Pharmaceuticals Page 6
As Gabriel and Samantha look at each other, a mischievous smile starts creeping across Samantha’s face to match his. “You know, we shouldn’t even be going out tonight,” Gabriel says.
“No, we shouldn’t be making new drugs,” Samantha’s smile fades.
“But we are, so this is going to be the last time we do this for a while, till this FDA stuff passes, and we can go back to the shadows again,” Gabriel says, “hopefully for good this time.”
“I know,” Samantha says. “That’s why tonight should be special; we should go all out!”
“No, we shouldn’t be going out at all,” he says. “Why do I let you talk me into this shit?”
“Because you love it too,” Samantha says and leans in closer to him. “Come on let’s get going, the night is wasting. Is the car here?”
They walk outside of the house to a long, black limousine waiting in the driveway. Samantha takes Gabriel’s hand into hers as they make their way to the vehicle.
The limousine driver, who is standing by the back, opens the door for Samantha and Gabriel to climb in. The limousine slowly pulls away from the house and down the driveway, then turns onto the main street outside of Gabriel’s compound.
In his car, still watching, Dan perks up as he sees the limousine pull out from the gates. He adjusts himself to a driving position with both hands on the steering wheel and his heart starts to beat faster. Without even thinking about it the fingers on his right-hand start to slowly roll on the steering wheel, index, middle, ring and pinky till he pushes on the gas pedal and grips the wheel tight as his car pulls off the side of the road to follow the limousine.
Inside the limousine, the driver speaks through the small window that divides the driver from the passengers, “Where to tonight, sir?”
“So, I’m sure you have this planned out,” Gabriel says to Samantha. “Where too?”
“Houston, we are going to a new club called Prohibition,” Samantha says.
“Very good, ma’am,” the driver says and rolls the small window up leaving the two in privacy.
Thirty minutes of driving passes and the limousine pulls slowly past a long line of people waiting to get into the new hot spot in town, Prohibition night club. The limousine comes to a stop at the front entrance of the club, and the driver exits to open the door for Gabriel and Samantha. The line of people falls silent as they watch Gabriel and Samantha exit the limousine and walk toward the two bouncers standing at the front door of Prohibition. Both bouncers look like bodybuilders in nice suits. The first bouncer holds his hand out towards Gabriel and Samantha in the stop what you’re doing position.
“Look at these two silly fucks,” the first bouncer says to the other.
The bouncer walks a few feet away from the door of Prohibition towards Gabriel and Samantha, but not past the safety of the red velvet ropes separating him from them. “I don’t care if you paid for a limo or not,” he says, “the line starts back there.” He points to the end of the long line of people waiting to get in the night club. Samantha reaches past the velvet ropes and seductively rubs the inside of the bouncer’s forearm, then gently wraps her hand around his wrist. He looks annoyed, thinking Samantha, is just another party girl wanting in the club for free or to skip the line. Suddenly, a look of pain and confusion takes over the bouncer’s face, as Samantha squeezes down on his wrist like a vice grip. He looks at Samantha realizing that it is her increasingly crushing his wrist.
Samantha pulls him to her with ease, almost making him fall over the red velvet ropes. She looks deep into his eyes. He is frozen, motionless, expressionless, and thoughtless, mesmerized now and forgetting about the pain in his forearm. “No, honey,” She says with a smile on her face, “We have a reservation. Show us in now, please.”
The bouncer is unable to do anything but what he is told to do by Samantha. She releases the bouncer’s wrist.
“Yes, of course,” he says. “Right this way,” still expressionless.
He unhooks the velvet rope and walks Samantha and Gabriel to the front door, right past the other bouncer.
“What the fuck are you doing?” the second bouncer asks the first bouncer.
The still expressionless bouncer ignores the second bouncer and opens the door to Prohibition for Gabriel and Samantha. They enter the club and the door shuts behind them.
Dan seeing Gabriel and Samantha enter the club from across the street makes his move and walks up to the bouncers who are arguing with each other now.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” The first bouncer asks. “What guy in a black suit? I’ve been sitting right here?”
“Hey guys, can I have a word with you?” Dan asks which interrupts the two bouncers arguing.
“The line is back there, buddy, and if you’re here looking for your daughter, that’s on you,” the second bouncer says with a smirk on his face and points to the end of the long line.
The first bouncer walks over to Dan.
“Tell your friend to fuck off, I’m not looking for my daughter!” Says a very irritated Dan.
“What do you need, man?” The bouncer asks.
“I am actually here doing a little work, I need to get inside,” Dan pulls out his wallet and flips his FDA badge out for the bouncer to see.
“What does that say?” The bouncer asks as he looks at the badge. “You’re not a city cop.”
“Yeah, that’s right buddy, I’m a Fed, it’s an FDA badge,” Dan explains, pointing at his badge.
“Well, I don’t know what the FDA is, so unless that badge comes with a hundred spot, the line is back there, buddy,” the bouncer says and points to the end of the line, which is even longer now.
Even more irritated now, Dan closes the badge part of his wallet and opens a pocket in the wallet that holds money. All that is in it is a single twenty-dollar bill that he slowly pulls out and then looks the bouncer in the eyes.
A smile grows on the bouncer’s face. “A twenty?” the bouncer huffs. “Come on, guy. You can’t even catch a buzz with that if I let you in. Hit the road, buddy.” The bouncer turns and walks back to join the second bouncer leaving Dan standing alone. Dan looks over at the line of young people waiting to get in, but this time, he sees Martha Ellis near the front of the line. Dan puts his wallet away frustrated and beat and walks back across the street to his car.
Inside the club, two bottle service girls stand next to a VIP host, Brad who looks sharp, dressed in a red pinstriped suit with a black tie. “Good evening, and welcome to Prohibition,” Brad says. “My name is Brad. I will be your VIP host for the evening.”
“Perfect, Sweetie, we would love a table,” Samantha says.
“Right this way,” Brad says. “I have a nice table right next to the DJ, where everyone will see you.”
Gabriel leans over to Brad as they walk and whispers into his ear. “I think we would like something a little more private.”
“I think, I know what you mean,” Brad says. “So, a table for the two of you this evening?”
“No, sweetie,” Samantha says. “We will be having other people join us. Let’s say a table for six tonight.”
Brad smiles, thinking of the tip he is going to make on a bigger table, “Right this way. I have just the right spot for you two.”
Brad leads them from the smaller entry room into the main area of the club. The dance floor is packed with people, lights going on and off like fireworks on the 4th of July, the music so loud it vibrates their bodies. Brad stops at the last VIP booth in the corner of the room. The lights don’t reach this booth, it is dark and private.
“A VIP girl will be right back to take care of your orders,” Brad says and walks away.
Gabriel sits on the low red couch and stretches out. Samantha straddles him with both hands on his shoulders. Gabriel slides his hands up Samantha’s hips and onto her waist.
“This isn’t turning out to be the relaxing evening I was hoping for,” Gabriel says.
; A VIP girl walks up to the table, she is thick and very voluptuous with all the right curves. She leans in over the table exposing her large cleavage to Gabriel. This girl is quick-witted and knows the bar game like the back of her hand.
“Hello, I’m Veronica,” the VIP girl says as she runs her hands along her seductive curves. “I’ll be your server tonight. What can I start you two with?”
Veronica sits down on the couch ready to take their order. Samantha is still straddled on top of Gabriel.
Veronica is Gabriel’s type and Samantha knows it. She leans close to Gabriel’s ear and whispers with a giggle “Did the night just start to get better for you?”
Gabriel smiles at Veronica. “Hello there, why don’t you start us with whatever you like to drink.”
“Thanks, I would love to have drinks with you two,” Veronica says as she moves a little closer to Gabriel, “but the management here frowns on employees drinking at work.”
Samantha reaches over and sensually rubs Veronica’s arm. “Don’t worry about that, Gabriel has a way of talking to people. I’m sure your manager will be fine honey.”
“Yeah, go ahead and surprise us with your favorite bottle,” Gabriel says.
“Okay, you guys asked for it,” Veronica replies. “I’m a vodka girl; Grey Goose it is!”
Veronica starts to get up to leave, but Samantha grabs her wrist and gives her a seductive glare. “If you bump into any of your friends on the way, invite them over, we have plenty of room.”
“What kind of party are you two looking for?” Veronica asks with a small chuckle as she puts her finger on the side of her nose and taps. Gabriel and Samantha look at each other and give a little smile.
“No, baby,” Samantha says. “Not that kind of party for us, but we don’t care if others partake in that.”
“So, what are you looking for?” Veronica asks.
“Just pretty people that like to stay up all night and have a good time,” Samantha answers. “Of course, all the drinks will be on us, cutie.”
Veronica smiles brashly, “I know a lot of those kinds of people. Let me see what I can find tonight in the club for you.”
As Veronica leaves to get their drinks, Samantha slides one hand down Gabriel’s chest and onto his crotch, Gabriel looks at her smiling. “See, now I know the old Gabriel is still in there.”
A few minutes later Veronica returns carrying a VIP setup with a bottle of vodka in it. A second, cute VIP girl is carrying mixers and ice for the drinks. Veronica and the second VIP girl start to set up the table. Samantha gets off Gabriel and sits next to him, watching the girls set up the drinks.
“I talked to a girl I kind of know that said she would like to have some drinks,” Veronica says after finishing the table set up.
A tipsy, Martha Ellis, walks up to the table. “Is this where the vodka is?”
Veronica looks at Gabriel for approval, he nods, and Veronica starts making them all drinks.
Martha sits next to Samantha. Veronica finishes the first drink and hands it to Martha. “Martha, right?” Veronica asks.
“Yep, that’s me,” Martha says with a slight hiccup. “Martha Ellis.”
“What a beautiful girl you are, Martha,” Samantha says with a gentle tone. “This is my friend Gabriel.”
Gabriel looks over at Martha and holds out his hand. Martha extends her hand and Gabriel kisses the top of her hand. Samantha rests her hand on Martha’s thigh. Martha already half-drunk doesn’t seem to mind Samantha’s hand on her.
“Hello, Gabriel,” Martha says.
Veronica hands Gabriel a drink and their hands touch in the exchange, “Wow, your hand is a little cold.”
“It’s a cold night,” Gabriel replies.
“It’s actually kind of warm in here,” Veronica protests, then she and the other VIP girl leave the area.
Samantha and Gabriel both set their full drinks down on the table at the same time and Samantha says “So, let’s all have some drinks and get to know each other.”
The music gets louder as they start talking to each other. The group talks and chats about local news and small chitchat. Veronica continues to check on them through the out the night. After several hours Veronica walks back to the VIP table with the tab in her hand. Martha is sitting in between Gabriel and Samantha now enjoying her night. Veronica walks past the table and sits next to Gabriel.
“It looks like you had a pretty good evening,” Veronica says. “I can just leave the tab on the table for you.”
“Yes, we have had a very good evening, but the night is still young,” Gabriel says and puts his arm around Veronica to pull her closer. “So, here’s the thing, me and my friend Samantha, want to keep partying, and Martha here wants to keep partying also, but she doesn’t really know us and would probably feel better about coming back to my place if you were coming, as well.”
“So, here’s the thing,” Veronica smartly replies. “I don’t really know her that well, and I don’t know you two at all. So, what’s in this for me? You going to make it worth my while?”
“Of course, I would be happy to,” Gabriel says with a smile.
“A thousand to come over, and two more for anything else,” Veronica says with a look at Gabriel that says the price isn’t negotiable.
“I think we have a deal young lady,” Gabriel says. “Here’s the deposit.” Gabriel reaches in his pocket and pulls out a wad of hundred-dollar bills. He peels off several of the hundreds from the wad and tucks them into Veronica’s bra. Veronica stands up with a smile.
“It’s going to take me a little bit to get out of here,” Veronica says and looks over at all the VIP tables still full of people.
‘I’m sure it will be quicker tonight,” Gabriel says. “Your manager is Brad, right?”
“Yeah, that’s right,” she says and walks away.
Gabriel gets up and motions for Samantha to follow. Samantha pushes the bottom of Martha’s drink up to her mouth, and then gets up and follows Gabriel a few feet away from Martha.
“Let’s get out of here,” Gabriel says. “Grab her and meet me outside.”
“See you in a minute,” Samantha says with a wink from her eye.
They smile at each other. Samantha seductively motions for Martha to come with her, and they quietly walk into the crowd holding hands. Meanwhile, Gabriel walks through the club looking for Brad, who he sees standing near the front entrance. Gabriel grabs Brad’s arm and quickly pulls him close, looking into Brad’s eyes. “You have too many people working tonight, and you don’t need Veronica to stay any longer,” Gabriel says with his penetrating stare. “Go tell her to leave for the night. You also never saw me or my friend tonight.” Gabriel let’s go of brad, who walks off looking confused.
Outside, Gabriel, Samantha and Martha meet with each other as the limousine pulls up. Gabriel opens the door, and Samantha and Martha get in. Veronica walks out of the club and over to the Limousine.
“Crazy, Brad said they didn’t need me to help close tonight,” Veronica says. “You didn’t have anything to do with that did you?”
“Me, no I didn’t have anything to do with that,” Gabriel says with a smile and gestures for her to get inside of the limousine, she climbs in followed by Gabriel, and he closes the door as the limousine pulls away from the curb.
The limousine pulls up to the front of Gabriel’s house and Gabriel, Samantha, Martha and Veronica all exit the vehicle and walk toward the front doors.
“Wow, this is an awesome house!” Martha says.
“Wait till you see the inside, I think you guys will really like it and later I’ll show you both the forest behind the house,” Gabriel says with a laugh.
“I should have told you five thousand,” Veronica says as she is in awe of the mansion.
“Don’t worry, you will definitely be getting what you have coming to you,” Gabriel says with an evil smile.
The limousine pulls away and drives down t
he long driveway away from the house.
“Hey, how are we going to get home now?’ Martha asks as she points at the limousine leaving the driveway.
Samantha wraps her arm around the now drunk Martha, to guide her into Gabriel’s house, “You are home, honey,” Samantha says. The four of them enter the house, and the double doors close and lock tight behind them. When they enter the living room, Gabriel closes the shades cutting off their view of the outside world.
“Let me get you, ladies, a drink and give you a tour,” Samantha says. “Is red wine okay?”
Gabriel takes his jacket off and throws it on the back of the couch. Samantha returns from the kitchen and hands the girls each a big glass of red wine.
“Right this way, ladies,” Samantha says and leads them all down a long hallway, filled with closed doors. She stops at a closed green door that has an over-sized deadbolt lock on it. “Just boring rooms and bathrooms and useless spaces down there,” as she points down the long hallway. “But this room is special,” Samantha says. “Would you two like to see it?”
“What’s in it?” Martha asks as she takes a drink from her wine glass.
“Fun...” Samantha opens the large heavy door and turns to face the girls in the hallway, slowly backing into the dark room while motioning with her index finger for the girls to follow her into the room.
The girls follow Samantha into the room. Veronica is quick to flip on the light switch once they are in the room. Both the girls stop and stare at the room. Ropes and chains hanging from the walls and the ceilings. A red plush couch with hand restraints tied to one end of it. In the corner is a cage with a locking wire door just big enough for a human to fit in. They are standing in the middle of a fetish dungeon!
“Holy shit! What the fuck!” Martha’s excitement is overwhelming. She walks around the room and starts to touch everything in the room. “I have heard of shit like this but never thought I would see it,” Martha says.
“You want to play some?” Samantha says to Martha as she steps closer to her and rubs the back of her neck.
“Fuck yes, but no whips or pain, okay?” Martha says as she enjoys Samantha rubbing her neck “I want to play but nothing rough, okay?”