Old World Pharmaceuticals Page 2
“This clearly isn’t the meeting we were expecting,” Haley says then sighs. “I think it’s better if we terminate this meeting now, and I refer you to our legal department.”
Dan says, “Yeah, I have spoken with them numerous times and they are about as helpful as ya’ll are being.” The slow rolling of his fingers on the desk are steadily landing with more and more force. Harder and harder each time. Frank slides a stack of the papers in front of Dan over and places them in front of himself and begins to look them over. Dan looks at Frank annoyed.
“So, let’s get back to the ingredient list that you submitted to the FDA with your preliminary samples for XP1,” Dan says changing the topic. “When examining the compound that you sent, we were able to identify all the ingredients on your list with the exception of what we believe to be one or two extra substances, that are not on your list. Could you possibly have sent us an incomplete list?”
“No, the compound list that was submitted with the samples was complete,” Steven O’Hara says. “I’m sure if you test it again, you will find that you have made a mistake.”
“Did Director Barker review your finding?” Azreal asks. “I am sure when you retest and submit it to the director, it will contain exactly what we listed.”
“It looks like ya’ll should have taken a shorter vacation,” Dan smirks. “Director Barker was in an auto accident about two years ago and passed away. Our new Director did review our finding, and that is why we are talking to ya’ll now.”
“What is the new director's name?” Azreal asks.
“It’s her name now. Her name is Angela Thomson,” Frank says.
Frank gets a card out of his wallet and passes it across the table to Azreal. Azreal looks at the card. It reads "Agent in Charge, Angela Thomson." Azreal smiles while looking at the card then looks back at Dan.
“So, Angela Thomson is now the Director?” Azreal asks as his grin grows wider.
Dan glancing through some papers still in front of him stops and looks up at Azreal. Frank can see the hostility growing in Dan’s eyes.
“Do you know her?” Dan asks impatiently.
“Yes, I believe we met some time ago,” Azreal says.
“Really?” Dan asks.
Changing the subject, Azreal asks “Steven, could you please review the list that was sent over to the FDA again to make sure there are no errors.”
“Yes, no problem sir,” Steven says. “I will review what was submitted and look for any possible mistake in the compound list, but I’m sure it was correct.”
“Thanks, but that still doesn’t explain why we weren’t able to identify what those other compounds are?” Frank says. “Would you mind telling me what they are?”
Frank puts the paper he is holding down and fumbles to take a pen out of his jacket. Then, he looks back at Steven. “I’m ready go ahead,” Frank says. “Anytime, now.”
Steven looks over at Azreal and waits for him to respond like a jester waiting for his king’s command.
“Like I said,” Azreal says, “the list was complete, but we will check on our end. I’m sure it was probably a mistake on your end. Gentleman, if there is nothing else, that will conclude our meeting.”
Azreal pushes a button on the phone that is in front of him and rings the receptionist. It takes a moment, but she answers with the typical response, “Yes sir.”
“Our meeting is over,” Azreal says into the phone intercom, “if you could, come and see these gentlemen out.”
Azreal hangs up the phone as Gabriel stands up and walks to the large conference room doors.
“This way, gentleman,” Gabriel says and opens one of the large doors with ease.
“You two can wait in front of the elevator,” Gabriel says and points down the hallway.
Dan starts to neatly put all his papers back in the brown folder, in the same order that he removed them. He stands to leave, and Frank follows close behind Dan. Gabriel glances them both up and down as they walk from the conference room. Dan returns the hard look at Gabriel as he passes him on the way out of the room.
“See, I told you we weren’t going to get the truth from these guys,” Dan says to Frank as they walk down the hall, but loud enough for the others in the conference room to hear.
Gabriel shuts the door hard behind them. They both glance back as the heavy door shuts, leaving them alone in the hallway.
Gabriel quickly spins around and walks back to the table, then slams his hands on the table surface. The table shakes, and the others remove their hands from it. He leans forward, staring back and forth at Azreal and Haley.
“I told you three that we shouldn’t have started this back up!” Gabriel says.
Azreal looks over at Steven, “Steven, leave the room, please.”
Steven grabs up the papers in front of him then practically runs out of the room.
“Samuel, I have gone along with this for too many years, now!” Gabriel shouts. “I know this is your last wish to give the humans one more drug and to settle our affairs with your friends, but haven’t we helped them enough to clear your consciences by now?”
“They have the compound list and samples,” Haley says. “Do you think they could figure it out?”
“You fool, they aren’t going to figure it out; they are going to figure us out!” Gabriel says as he slams his right hand back on the table again.
Azreal stands up and walks away from the table, “Both of you, calm down. They aren’t going to figure anything out. We still have a lot of friends that never want any of this coming to light. We will keep moving forward and reconnect with some old friends. Now, is a perfect time.”
“You sure those friends haven’t got in car wrecks, also!” Gabriel snaps.
“We can’t just stop helping them,” Samuel says with a slow soft voice. “We all know that this is the last time that I am able to help and soon, I will be gone. You must all do what is best for each of you and our group. It’s been thirty-eight years since we discovered what we are really capable of, and none of us wants to go back to the life we were forced to live before.”
“Speak for yourself, Samuel,” Gabriel says with his voice teasing. “The old days weren’t that bad for me; my conscience is fine.”
Chapter Two
The Year Is 1980
mma, an elderly and frail looking lady, is laying in a hospital bed. Through a window in the room, one can see that the outside world is dark, and the night sky is covered with ominous clouds that look ready to start dropping rain on the city at any time. Sitting in a chair next to her bed is a much younger looking Samuel, holding Emma’s hand tightly.
The sound of the hospital machines beep in repetitions and there is a coldness hanging in the air, it’s the coldness associated with most hospitals. An older male doctor wearing glasses and a stethoscope draped around his neck walks into the room holding Emma’s chart under his arm. “Hello Emma, how are you feeling tonight?”
“I feel fine,” Emma says, “is that good news you have on that chart?”
“Well, we have several things we need to discuss,” the doctor says. “It’s probably better if we talk in private, are you two friends? related? I haven’t seen you here for any of Emma’s appointments before?”
“This is Samuel,” Emma explains, “he is a very old and personal friend of mine, but he has commitments during the daytime and couldn’t make it to any of those appointments. It’s fine for us to talk about anything in front of him.”
The Doctor pulls a chair over to the bed and sits on it, “Well, Emma, you know, we have been running tests and weighing our options now for a while. I was hopeful that the chemotherapy would have a positive effect on the cancer and hopefully put it in remission or maybe slow it down, but it doesn’t look like we were able to do that.”
Samuel interrupts with a crackle in his voice. “So, she is going to have to do the chemo again?”
Emma looks over at Samuel with sad, old eyes, “No, Samuel. That’s not what the doctor is saying.”
“I’m afraid Emma is right,” the doctor says. “At this point, we have done all that modern medicine can do. This is a very aggressive form of cancer that we just didn’t catch early enough.”
Samuel lets go of Emma’s hand and stands up, then turns around and walks a few feet from her bed looking away from her and the Doctor, just staring at the blank white wall in the room.
“Emma, would you like me to come back in a little while to talk about your options?” The doctor asks.
“No, Samuel will be fine,” Emma says, “we have talked about this possibility and he understands, go ahead please doctor.”
“The best thing to do now is go home and enjoy the time you have with your family and friends and be as comfortable as you can. I can prescribe several different medications to help you with that,” The doctor stands and pushes his chair back against the wall. “I’ll leave you two to talk and come back a little later to check on you again.”
“Thank you, doctor,” Emma says and flickers her eyes that are now starting to fill with tears.
The Doctor picks up his clipboard and then rubs Emma’s arm softly before leaving the room and closing the door behind him. A stillness and sorrow are left behind clinging to the air. Samuel turns and walks back to Emma’s bed, then practically collapses to one knee. He takes Emma’s hand in both of his, clinching it tightly. Emma gazes at him and a single tear rolls slowly down her cheek.
“I can’t let you go!” Samuel says while trying to hold back tears that he wished he was able to cry. “You are my soulmate! It has taken lifetimes to find you. You know, this doesn’t have to be the end! You know we can live on forever together.”
“We are Soulmates, and we always will be, my love,” Emma says and moves her other hand up to rub Samuel’s cool cheek. “We have talked about this, and you know, I could never be like you. We have had a great life together for the last thirty years. It’s my time, and I’m okay. Let me go, my love. Let me go.”
Samuel weakly buries his face in her bedside, while Emma rubs the back of his head. They sit in the room listening only to the rhythmic beats of the hospital machines.
A few days later, Emma lays in the comfort of her bed at her and Samuel’s large country house, located on the sprawling compound around Old World Pharmaceuticals. She looks tired and frailer than before. The color is almost completely gone form her once bright cheeks and endless smile, the end is near. There are other people in the room, family and friends. Azreal, Gabriel, Haley and Samuel are standing on one side of the room.
“I need to talk to you,” Samuel whispers in a low voice to Azreal, and Gabriel. “It concerns us all.”
Samuel walks out of the bedroom and Azreal, Gabriel and Haley follow. They walk from the room down a hallway and into the living room. The room is an open plan large living room and other people fill the space milling around, talking to each other and snacking from a table filled with food and drinks.
A six-year-old girl, Angela Thomson, a small child bored from being in a group of adults all day and full of energy is playing with a ball when Azreal, Gabriel, Haley and Samuel pass through the room. Angela bounces the ball at Azreal as he is walking by. Azreal catches the ball quickly, then notices the small girl who bounced it at him. Angela’s eyes are big and innocent looking back at him. Azreal stops and then walks over to the child to kneel down to put them face to face. Angela’s bright eyes stare at him as he hands the ball back to her.
“You caught the ball, so now, we are friends,” Angela says with the biggest smile she can make.
“We are?” Azreal asks trying to return the big smile.
“Yes, we are!” Angela says. “Do you want to play with me?”
Angela’s mother, Lisa Thomson walks over to young Angela and Azreal. Azreal stands to face her.
“I am so sorry,” Lisa says. “Angela, leave this nice man alone.”
“It’s okay,” Azreal replies to Lisa and then looks back at Angela and says. “I was just talking about playing ball with my new friend, but I have a few things I need to take care of first. Then, we will play.” Azreal rubs the top of the small girl’s head before he turns and walks over to join Gabriel, Haley and Samuel, who have been waiting for him at the beginning of another hallway leading away from the living room.
Azreal turns back and says to Angela “I will see you in a little bit, my new friend,” Angela smiles from ear to ear.
“Okay, I’m Angela,” she yells back across the room.
“It’s nice to meet you, Angela,” Azreal shouts back as he walks down the hallway with the others.
The group enters a two-story library room filled from wall to wall with books and artwork, separating the rows of books. In the corner of the room are a massive fireplace and a scrolling circularly shaped staircase leading to the second-floor catwalk that circles the room with even more row upon row of books, most in shelves but some staked up on the floor also. Samuel closes the door behind them, then walks over to a desk and flicks on a desk light to add more visibility to the dimly lit room. He sits on a large couch in the middle of the room and bends over to put his face in his hands, again wishing tears could flow out of him, but no tears come. Then gathers himself and straightens up to look at the group.
“I have lived for a very, very long time,” Samuel says. “Emma has become the only thing that is worth continuing on for, but now...”
Azreal puts his hand on Samuel’s shoulder to comfort him.
“Why have you not turned her?” Gabriel asks.
“Killing is easy for you, Gabriel!” Samuel says back at him. “You have always enjoyed it!”
“But we don’t kill anymore, even though we could rule this world!” Gabriel says. “The only thing we kill now are animals, just like all the humans do. Those are the rules now, right? Correct me if I am wrong.”
Gabriel turns his back on them and walks a few feet away, throwing his hands in the air. Azreal rolls his eyes at him and then focuses back on Samuel.
“So, what are you telling us, Samuel?” Azreal asks.
“That I’m done with this life,” Samuel says. “I have no reason to keep living. I am going to go with Emma when it’s her time.”
“Why have you not turned her?” Gabriel spinning around to look back at Samuel and asks with disgust. “Would you like me to do it for you?”
“Because our life isn’t for her!” Samuel says. “She doesn’t want it! Can’t you understand that?”
“Gabriel, this is Samuel’s decision, not yours!” Azreal snaps at him.
Samuel bends down and puts his face back into both of his hands again. Gabriel walks back toward them glaring hard at Azreal.
As Gabriel approaches, he says “You’re right, Azreal, this is Samuel’s decision and It looks like he has made his choice.” Gabriel reaches down and gently lifts Samuel’s head up, at the same time as he kneels down on one knee, so they are looking at each other, face-to-face. Azreal lets go of Samuel’s shoulder and takes a step back.
“Emma is an old, sick human who probably isn’t thinking straight,” Gabriel says. “I don’t think you want to die yet my friend, but if you go that way, and you want to see whatever is waiting for us after this world, you should go together with your love Emma. That means you could turn her, and then, if you both still want to go, then walk into the sun together as it should be!”
Gabriel lets go of Samuel’s chin and stands back up, turns his back and walks a few feet away from him.
Samuels mind begins racing as he thinks about what Gabriel said. “Maybe she will change her mind, and you can go back to your happy little life with her,” Gabriel says with his back still turned away from Samuel and the others.
Gabriel opens the door and exits the room as Samuel looks up at Azreal with hope in his eyes.
pter Three
The Year Is 2018
he compounding lab at Old World Pharmaceuticals is filled with science equipment and computers. Jacob Ellis, a young lab technician is eagerly looking at test results that he has just pulled off a printer and placed on a clipboard to review. Steven O’Hara enters the lab and walks over to Jacob.
Jacob stops reading the papers and looks up at Steven. “Hi, I’m Jacob, I was told that you are in charge of, well pretty much everything in the lab?” Jacob says as he sits the clipboard down to shake hands with Steven.
“Yes, I am responsible to account to the owners for all our work. Sorry, we haven’t had a chance to meet sooner,” Steven says. “I know you have been here, what, at least a week? I saw your job application when you were being considered for this job and wanted to meet you sooner.”
“When I applied to work here, I heard it was a great company, that without question, has done great things with their new drug development programs,” Jacob says. “But this work schedule is a little crazy, right?”
“I’m not sure I am following you?” Steven says with a confused look on his face.
“Don’t get me wrong,” Jacob says, “so far, this looks like a great place to work, the pay and benefits can’t be beaten, but why is the building almost completely closed during the day and all the work shifts are at night?” Steven pats Jacob on the shoulder a few times.
“Look at it this way, you’re one of the lucky ones,” Steven says, “if you have something to do during the day now you have time to do it, isn’t that great. Now, let’s get back to work, so we can get those latest test results ready. I know management is looking forward to seeing them. It was nice meeting you, Jacob, I’m sure you will enjoy working here.”
Steven looks down at a clipboard he had been holding under his arm as he walks away. Jacob goes back to work in front of some computer testing equipment and begins to take notes on his clipboard. He continues his work making time pass without noticing. A clock on the wall spins fast from 10:15 pm to 3:00 am.