Old World Pharmaceuticals Page 3
Jacob is sitting at his desk in the corner of the science lab looking at a report and making notes on it when Azreal walks in the room and over to Jacob. Azreal observes the young man hard at work and says, “Good evening, Jacob, how is your report coming along on the compounding process for substances eight through ten?”
Steven walks over to Jacob’s desk and stands next to Azreal waiting for his response.
“The report is almost done sir,” Jacob says, “but to get the full picture of how the substances will all work together, it’s helpful to know what substances we are working with. Substance thirteen is just listed as a trade secret? It’s also not listed in the original proposal for this drug? Is it just missing? Maybe an oversight?”
“You were asked to run a compounding test on eight through ten, not thirteen,” Azreal says as he crosses his arms in front of him. “I know you want to be as helpful as possible with getting this new medication to the market where it can help save thousands, if not millions of people. But for that to happen we all have a part to play, and you know what your part is now, eight through ten.”
“Yes, sir,” Jacob says. “I’ll get back on that and have my report to you in the afternoon, I mean, this morning. Sorry, just adjusting to the night shifts.”
“Go ahead and just turn that into Steven, so he can check your work,” Azreal says, as he uncrosses his arms and walks away from Jacob’s desk, then out a door into a hallway. Steven eyes Jacob for a moment before returning to his own work area.
Hours later, Azreal and Steven stand in the hallway outside of the compounding lab, looking at Jacob through a glass window that lines the entire compounding lab.
“Did we make a mistake, hiring this one?” Azreal asks while rubbing his chin. “He is smart but maybe a little too inquisitive for his own good. We just don’t need that with this last drug.”
“No sir, he is just young and wants to impress,” Steven says. “I’ll keep him in line, you don’t need to worry.”
“So, how did he get access to the complete list?” Azreal asks. “Thirteen shouldn’t have been anywhere on his list.”
“It’s my fault,” Steven says. “I must have run my list, instead of the employee list, when I gave him the compounding assignment. I’m sorry sir it won’t happen again.”
“Let’s hope not,” Azreal says, “for his sake.”
Azreal turns and walks away from Steven down a long hallway. Steven walks back into the compounding lab and straight over to Jacob who is sitting at his desk.
“You know, Jacob,” Steven says as he rests his hands on the desk to lean closer to Jacob, “I want to see you do good here. It’s much safer for you if you talk to Azreal as little as possible. You should also avoid talking to Gabriel as much as you can.”
“Safer?” Jacob asks.
“History is going to remember these men as some of the greatest of all time, I just want you to be part of that, Okay?” Steven says. “You understand?”
“Yes, sir,” Jacob says. “I understand.”
Frank and several other FDA agents sit at an oval conference table in the FDA building, across from them sit two FBI agents. Shane Armstrong, early 30s, eager for the next big arrest and Mike Brown, a mid-40s man that covered his balding head with an FBI hat. Mike definitely had the look of a cop, all business and a hard look, twenty years of being a cop had taken a toll on him. The rest of the office is the typical low budget government furnishing you would expect to see. Dan is standing at the head of the table, in front of a cork-board that’s next to a chalkboard ready and eager to give his presentation to the group.
"OWP" is written at the top of the board. Lines in the red thread linking "Azreal", "Haley", "Samuel", and "Gabriel" to "OWP". Under their names are various names of drugs and the years they went on the market. Angela Thomson now in her late 30s, she is no longer the little girl that bounced a ball at Azreal so many years ago. Walks in and sits down at the far end of the table.
“Thank you for joining us,” Dan says. “For those of you who don’t know, this is our new Field Office Director Angela Thompson.”
Angela sits down and looks around the room at the other agents. They all make kind gestures towards her and she returns the favor. “It looks like we have another agency with us today.”
“I felt it was important to bring in the FBI, also, due to this being such a large company and we’re crossing state lines,” Dan says.
“Let’s get going, Dan,” Angela says. “I have other things on my schedule today.”
Dan wastes no time, turning to point at the cork-board and starts the briefing.
“We are all familiar with Old World Pharmaceuticals,” Dan says, “they are without a doubt the most successful drug company in the world. They’ve been in business for about thirty-five years now. This company burst on the scene back in 1985, when they discovered a cure for Ebola, and, out of the kindness of their hearts, they didn’t charge anyone for that drug well anyone except all of us. The U.S. government picked up the tab for that, making these guys very, very wealthy almost overnight.”
“Wait a minute, are we talking about the cancer company here?” Shane asks. “The one that has almost got rid of it?”
“Almost! Almost? Far from it,” Dan says, “there are still a lot of people dying from it every day.”
Mike puts his hand on Shane’s arm gently pulling him back some to get his attention.
“We know about this company,” Mike says, “We have run across them several times over the years for different reasons.”
“Well, all you hear is good things about them helping people in the news,” Shane says with a shrug.
“Mike, where did you get this guy?” Dan says while looking at Shane. “Are you on this team or there team?”
“Dan, get back to the briefing,” Angela says.
Dan shakes off his stare at Shane and continues with “Next, in the late 1980s, they released three different types of drugs, all of them treated cancers, mainly in adolescents.” Dan takes out a packet of pictures from a stack of papers in front of him on the table and passes the pictures around the table.
The photograph is of Azreal, Haley, and Samuel in the 1980s. Standing together with blank expressionless looks on each of their faces.
“Next on the list, in the early 1990s, they develop a cure for leukemia,” Dan says. “This made them all billionaires. That’s with a B, not an M.”
The picture of Azreal has now made its way to around the table to Angela, who can’t stop looking at it. Locked onto the picture long enough for everyone at the table to notice her.
“Angela, are you okay?” Frank asks. “Do you know any of them?”
“Everyone in the world knows their names,” Angela says. “Azreal just looks so familiar. I’m sure I’ve just seen him on TV or something. Go ahead and continue, Dan.”
“Here is the kicker, the Ebola drug was formulated here in the U.S. but manufactured in Africa and distributed by our military,” Dan says. “Then, the drug and all its records get locked up, and no one is allowed to see any of that research.”
“So, when did our department sign off on that?” Frank asks.
“We didn’t,” Dan says. “We also didn’t sign off on the three other cancer drugs, because that research was connected with the Ebola research. In the interest of national security, I guess the FDA doesn’t need to know what these guys are doing.”
“So, you’re saying this company isn’t even going through the FDA?” Shane asks. “How is that possible? I thought that was your guy's job?”
“Bingo, now you’re catching up,” Dan says to Shane. “It’s been ten years since they have done anything new but now, they’re back, why? Why start doing new drugs now? When I went back and started looking at their older drugs in the databases, I couldn’t find any of the normal stuff you would find with any of the clinical testings. It’s like none of it was done. And the stuff I did find
either got the fuck redacted out of it or was just missing. And we have a bunch of these forms.”
Dan takes a stack of papers that all look the same and hands them out to everyone at the table. On the papers in different spots, it read in bold, underlined lettering, "Redacted by the U.S. Government. NOT FOR PUBLIC VIEWING."
“I have Frank working on getting the originals from the archives in D.C,” Dan says.
“This is in our records?” Angela asks. “We are the Government!”
“When Dan asked me to check on what we have on the company, I ran into similar omissions in our data,” Mike says. “I also couldn’t really find any personal information on any of the principles for this business dating to prior to them being in business. It’s kind of odd, to say the least.”
“I don’t like what I’ve heard here, but I also haven’t heard anything that would be considered criminal,” Angela says. “Bad record keeping on our end? Dan, unless you have something else, I think we are done here.”
“Angela, I know something is wrong here!” Dan says. “Really wrong!”
“Well, then bring me something else, but we aren’t wasting any more time on a witch hunt!” Angela says. “That’s not how we operate. I know you requested to work on this case, and I did you a favor by giving it to you, but if your personal judgments get in the way, I will remove you.” Angela says and then gets up to leave the room.
“I’ll keep looking and if I find anything, I’ll let you know,” Mike says. “Not sure what I could find but what the hell.”
Azreal is at his desk, looking over papers and logbooks. Even though its night outside, he has the shutters closed over his windows. Haley walks in and leans against a wall waiting for him to look up at her. “You wanted to see me?” she asks.
“Yes, I was in the main lab yesterday, picking up the compounding results on eight through ten from our new hire, Jacob, and he asked about substance thirteen,” Azreal says after looking up from his papers at her.
Before Haley can answer, Samuel and Gabriel, walk into Azreal’s office and sit down in chairs against the wall.
“Who is Jacob, and why would he have access to thirteen?” Haley asks. “There should be no record of that anywhere other than with us.”
“Yes, with us, and Steven,” Azreal says. “I talked to Steven about being more careful, but you might want to check to make sure Jacob is the only one who saw this.”
“We all know this couldn’t go on forever,” Samuel says. “The work we have done has helped millions of humans, but it’s time you all start to think about an end game.”
“What end game is that Samuel?” Gabriel smirks. “The one that you and Emma have chosen? No, thanks!”
“That’s not what I meant,” Samuel replies.
“You two didn’t know your director friend at the FDA was gone?” Gabriel asks. “Is that one of those loose ends you told me not to worry about?”
“No, Gabriel,” Haley says, “we didn’t know he was gone, but there is nothing to worry about here. This drug will go through, just like all the others did.”
“So, do you still have your political friends?” Gabriel asks. “Have you even checked to see if they’re still alive? Or have we outlived them too?”
Samuel gets up and starts to walk to the door, then stops to say. “I am going home to spend what time I have left with Emma, Gabriel, there is no need for this conversation; we all know this is the last time we can help the humans.”
“Samuel, I love you, and I respect your decisions, but I will never make the same trade you made for your immortality,” Gabriel says.
Samuel puts his hand on Gabriel’s shoulder for an instant, then turns and walks out of the room.
“If you three aren’t careful, that agent is going to find out what compound thirteen is, and then, what will you do?” Gabriel asks.
Gabriel stands and leaves the room. Haley sits down in a chair on the other side of Azreal’s desk and reaches over to pick up Angela Thompson’s business card from the desk.
“After all these years, why did you not know she had become the director?” Haley asks.
Azreal stands and walks to the window and opens the blinds to looks out into the darkness, gazing at the far-off lights of Huston. “It was better for her and me that I stop keeping track of her” Azreal replies.
Chapter Four
The Year Is 1980
amuel, Azreal, Gabriel, and Haley, along with Emma’s family and friends, stand around talking inside of Samuel and Emma’s living room. A nurse comes into the room nervously looking for Samuel. The nurse walks up to Samuel and whispers in his ear. Samuel lowers his head for a second then looks back up and over at Azreal, before turning and walking toward the master bedroom, Azreal, Haley and Gabriel quickly follow behind him.
Emma is in bed, unconscious. Several of her friends are in the room. Samuel, Gabriel, Haley, and Azreal enter the room. Azreal turns to stop the nurse from entering the room as Samuel walks over to Emma and kneels beside her, taking her hand in both of his.
“Thank you for all that you have done, but your services will no longer be needed,” Azreal says to the nurse in a low voice. Haley and Gabriel inconspicuously approach the rest of the people in the room, one by one, whispering to them. Slowly the room empties out. Azreal shuts the door to the room and locks it as the last person leaves.
“Emma, I know we have talked, but...” Samuel says with a crackle to his voice. “I know what you want, but it wasn’t really you telling me that. You have been sick. I know you love me and want to continue with me, I know it. So...so, this way we can still be together, and if it isn’t what you want, I promise you we will end it together, how it should be.” Samuel slowly stands and leans over Emma. With his fingers, he gently rubs the side of her colorless cheek, and then over her pale lips.
“Samuel, it’s time,” Gabriel says. “You need to do it now, or she will be gone.”
Samuel looks over at Gabriel, then lifts his forearm up to his mouth. Large, sharp fangs grow from his teeth. He bites deep into his forearm, and blood starts to slowly flow from his arm. Samuel looks up at the ceiling as he lowers his arm to right above Emma’s mouth. A few drops of blood fall onto her lips and chin.
“I am sorry, please forgive me” Samuel whispers as his blood starts to enter Emma’s mouth.
From a bathroom connected to the master bedroom emerges the six-year-old Angela Thompson.
“What are you doing to her?” Angela asks.
Samuel surprised by the child’s voice, quickly jerks his arm away from Emma’s mouth and stops the blood from dropping onto her lips. Gabriel is standing closest to Angela. In an instant, his sharp fangs snap out, and he turns and lunges at the child. Faster than light, Azreal already has the child in his arms, protecting her, with his back to Gabriel. Gabriel lands on top of Azreal’s back, clinking him with strong hands and digging sharp fingernails into Azreal’s arms and shoulders to hold on to him. With a quick, powerful spin Azreal throws Gabriel to the floor. Haley wastes no time and leaps on top of Gabriel, holding him down.
“Azreal, you cannot let her go!” Gabriel hisses while trying to free himself from Haley who is still holding him down. “She has seen us for what we are!”
Azreal pulls the shaking and terrified child away from his chest and looks deep into her eyes.
“Sleep... Sleep... Sleep,” Azreal says.
The young Angela slowly fades into unconsciousness. Her small head slumps over Azreal’s shoulder. Azreal turns back to glare at Gabriel.
“I place this girl under my protection,” Azreal says. “I will be responsible for her and all her actions from now on. Gabriel, you will not harm her!”
Azreal unlocks the look and walks out of the room. Haley quickly lets go of Gabriel and moves to the door to lock it again. Samuel is now sitting on the floor, next to Emma’s bed. Emma is lifeless laying in the b
ed. Samuel’s head is buried in his hands whimpering.
“What have I done?” Samuel asks. “I shouldn’t have done this... I know what she wanted... This is not what she wanted...” Samuel continues to mumble to himself.
Azreal, holding the sleeping Angela, walks into Samuel and Emma’s dining room and up to Angela’s mother, Lisa.
“It looks like it’s been a long day for this little one,” Azreal hands Angela to Lisa.
“Awww, thank you,” Lisa says as she takes the sleeping child from Azreal. “Yeah, I’m sure she is ready to go home and go to bed. There’s not much more we can do here tonight.”
“Yes, I think it’s better for everyone to leave now,” Azreal says. “It’s getting late.”
Azreal softly rubs the little girl’s head while smiling at her.
“I’m sure she will want to sleep in tomorrow, it’s been a long day, so go easy on her,” Azreal says to Lisa. And then turns to leaves the dining room to make his way back to Emma’s room.
There is a knock on the door. Haley quickly opens the door, and Azreal walks in. Haley puts her hand on Azreal’s shoulder. They both look over to see Samuel, sitting on the bed with Emma.
Emma is sitting up, fully awake and alert, brushing her hair that is slowly returning to its natural brown color. Her complexion has the color of a healthy and much younger woman. The pale coldness that was in her face is all but gone now.
“What happened to her?” Azreal asks, hardly believing his eyes. “How is this possible?”
“We have no idea,” Haley says.
Gabriel now looking at Emma more closely says “Clearly, the turning process has several different levels we were unaware of.”
“None of us has ever stopped in the middle of the turning,” Haley says. “Azreal, have you ever heard of anything from your maker about anything like this?”